Papilio Polytes: Appreciating the Natural Wonders

“Easily found in residential areas where the host plants are abundant” – distribution: throughout Indonesia except Papua, also in other Asian countries – host plants: Rutaceae (Citrus, Clausena, Micromelum, Murraya) Like Papilio demoleus, this species is easily found in residential areas where the host plants are abundant.

Exploring the Beauty and Life of the Stunning Lime Butterfly

“often considered a pest to citrus plantations” belongs to family Papilionidae , known as Papilio demoleus distribution: throughout Indonesia, also in other Asian countries, Australia, and in some other parts of the world such as central American countries. host plants: Rutaceae (Citrus, Clausena, Micromelum, Murraya)

Burung Rhea alias Nandu: Saudara dari Burung Unta, Emu, dan Kasuari.

“Tinggi badan mereka bisa mencapai 1,5 meter, membuat mereka menjadi salah satu burung terbesar di benua ini.” Kaki Panjang dan Kuat Salah satu ciri khas yang paling mencolok dari burung Rhea adalah kaki mereka yang panjang dan kuat. Kaki ini tidak hanya memberikan mereka kecepatan dan kelincahan, tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan cakar yang kuat. Cakar … Read more

Zygodactyl Foot

“Jenis kaki Zygodactyl pada burung membuat lincah dan cepat berpindah diantara cabang-cabang pohon, untuk mencari makan dan menghindari preadator “ Kemampuan Memanjat yang Baik: Struktur kaki ini sangat mendukung burung dalam memanjat pohon dan permukaan vertikal lainnya. Dengan dua jari menghadap ke depan dan dua menghadap ke belakang, burung dapat mencengkeram cabang atau batang pohon … Read more

Park Serpong: An Eco-Friendly Destination for Sustainable Recreation

Park Serpong: An Eco-Friendly Destination for Sustainable Recreation Welcome to Park Serpong, an eco-friendly destination that combines nature and recreation for a sustainable experience like no other. Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Serpong, this park offers a breath of fresh air for visitors seeking a getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. … Read more

Experience Ultimate Luxury at Aviary Bintaro Hotel: The Perfect Getaway in the Heart of Bintaro

Experience Ultimate Luxury at Aviary Bintaro Hotel: The Perfect Getaway in the Heart of Bintaro Escape to a world of ultimate luxury and tranquility at Aviary Bintaro Hotel, the perfect getaway in the heart of Bintaro. Nestled amidst lush greenery, this exquisite hotel offers a serene retreat for discerning travelers seeking an unforgettable experience. With … Read more